We made great memories during our family vacation this summer and I just loved being Up North in the Mitten. I believe there are enough mini adventures and photos captured…
We made great memories during our family vacation this summer and I just loved being Up North in the Mitten. I believe there are enough mini adventures and photos captured…
For our last day of the family vacation, we adventured to the Old Mission Peninsula Wine Trail in Traverse City. I was super excited for this day as I’ve wanted…
During our vacation, I was excited to adventure back to Mackinac and share this special place with my family. The only time I’ve visited was in 2015 and you can…
Another great way to explore Sleeping Bear and the glorious views are various hikes in the area. My family enjoys hiking so I knew this would be a perfect vacation…
One of my favorite places to visit in northern Michigan is Sleeping Bear Dunes. Garrin took me to the dunes during a few camping trips years ago when we were…
Every two years, my Dad’s side of the family rents a house for a week long family vacation in different states. This year, I had suggested Northern Michigan so we…
Life is busy and sometimes time goes by so fast. The last several weeks schedule has been full and I am so behind in blogging. I thought about skipping this…
Last Friday, we headed out for our first camping trip of the season. Starting late this year due to the weather and family wedding trips so we were all very…
On Saturday, we decided to finally adventure to the Detroit Zoo which has been on the list since moving back to Michigan. It was a beautiful sunny day in the…
The weekend of August 24th, we traveled to Traverse City for our final camping trip of the season. The camper has been at the dealer for maintenance since then and…