I always enjoy finding surprises in my own backyard and Michigan offers such beauty throughout the state that this can be easy to do. This weekend, I felt like going on an adventure as it has been a while, however I needed to stick close to home. Things have just been too hectic lately and there are still many house chores on the list as Fall is an extra busy season for most of us.
The air finally has the scent and crispness that Fall brings and I felt the activity should fit the season. I discovered that we have a local Apple Orchard in Haslett located on Barry Road and so we adventured there this Saturday. Clearview Orchards is just a short drive away through pretty country roads that I want to visit again when the leaves start changing.
We received a friendly greeting upon arrival and were given a bag for picking apples. The Orchard offered many u-pick apples such as Red & Golden Delicious, Empire, Jonathon, Macintosh, Spy, Ida Red, Mutsu, Golden Supreme and Gala.
One of my favorite apples is Honey Crisp and these were available already picked for you along with Jonagold & Cortlands. I am not sure why every Orchard I’ve visited does not allow you to pick Honey Crisp yourself other than the fact that this variety is well loved and in demand.
Additionally, fantastic looking peaches were available to purchase, both the Flaming Fury and Crest Haven varieties. Both varieties are apparently “Free-Stone”; perfect for eating and baking.
The grounds of the farm and Orchard were beautiful, and I enjoyed strolling around admiring the view.
We saw animals such as goats, chickens and horses. You could even take horse drawn wagon ride if you desired.
We admired the pumpkin patch from a distance and Clearview Orchards does offer pumpkins and gourds to take home. I think it will be fun to go back later in the season when more may be available for selection.
Clearview Orchards is open until they run out of apples which is usually late October so we will probably plan a second trip this season. Isn’t it nice to find something like this in your neighborhood?